"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the
best calorie burner.
I believe in kissing, kissing a lot.
I believe in being strong when everything

seems to be going wrong.
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls.
I believe that tomorrow is another day

and I believe in miracles." — Audrey Hepburn

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Team Up Thursday - Week 11 - Walls

Well, I did manage to get some pics done...and I was fairly happy with the pics I took and how they related to the theme...Mariette thank you for your thoughtfullness in choosing an easier theme this week...and thank you for your understanding of my situation the last two weeks and for cutting me some slack in terms of time..It took a huge amount of commitment from my side not to postpone to next week, but I am really glad that I did not postpone...although I did not commit the time this week that I would have liked to - I still enjoyed it and realise how important taking that time out is to my sanity...
So onto the pictures..First Mariette's:-
Mariette says that she has been enjoying autumn colours and she wanted to capture a little bit of that in her picture...The contrast of the very red leaves and the brownie coloured leave and green leaves on the beige coloured wall, makes for an interesting picture..You have also captured the texture and different shades of the wall beautifully.  Don't you wander about the house and family and lives that happen on the other side of this very high wall.
When I first thought about Mariette's theme, I kind of wandered how interesting a picture of a normal brick or precast wall would be...but then I started looking around, and I was amazed at how people have different ideas that make their wall unique.

We watched them build this wall...I could not quite picture what the finished item would be like during the building (what do they say about fools and children should not see unfinished work) ..Amazing that the ship is "mouldeed" out of concrete only and painted..I also like the texture of the light colured supporting "pillars"

Here is a close up of the detail of the ship...

I also liked how this family had decorated the wall next to their gate...

All in all a lovely theme - once again it has highlighted to Mariette and I that there is so much that normally goes unnoticed and TUT is teaching us both to look behind the normal - I'm lovin' it.


  1. Great post. You have such a lovely way with words! Lovely pics also. Well done my friend.

  2. Stunning...love the autumn leaves and I love the wall with the ship.
