"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the
best calorie burner.
I believe in kissing, kissing a lot.
I believe in being strong when everything

seems to be going wrong.
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls.
I believe that tomorrow is another day

and I believe in miracles." — Audrey Hepburn

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Team Up Thursday - Week 39 - Numbers

I chose the theme this week - Numbers ...It was a theme that I thought had huge potential - our lives so often seem to be controlled by numbers - phone numbers we need to remember, pin numbers to retrieve our money from ATMs, passwords to access our information on pc's, adding of numbers (prices) when we go shopping and some of us work with numbers.
Mariette and I chose totally different pictures dipicting numbers - she took a photo of her trusty calculator without which she would be quite lost....

My photo is Suduko..I did not originally intend to take a picture of Sudoko, but when I saw the book - it really seemed like an idea that might work.  I have never enjoyed computer games or playstation ...but I do enjoy occassionally wasting time on Suduko.

Funny how Mariette chose a picture of working numbers and I chose a picture of fun numbers...

Here is a photograph of the quadratic formula taken out of Brad's AdMaths text book - Brad is in Grade 10 and his school offers AdMaths as an extra cubject by invitation....I am very proud of him...

And below is what I feel like doing when the word maths is mentioned...

Do you remember last week - I mentioned a number with a specail meaning - 381 - it is "I Love You" - 3 words/8 letters/1 meaning....
Our ages are also expressed in numbers...I am 43 today...The other day I got one of those "get to know your friends" better e-mails and one of the questions was ..."Do you want to be young again"....I spent some time thinking about my answer---- And after lots of thought - my answer was NO because I thought back to the person I was when I was younger.... 
As a little girl (about ten) I was very, very shy - I enjoyed reading and preferred reading to interacting with my peers...I was at boarding school and we were encouraged to play outside (I used to hide in the bathroom so that I could read), and it was expected that we do sports - I was always the girl who walked back to the dorm on her own, lifting my knee and banging my tennis racket against it...this earned me the nickname "Dainty Legs" - which I hated - Imagine that... Added to that I had this long name - Linda-Maree which my mom insisted I got called - and everyone would shorten it to Linda and I would have to repeat my name over and over again...and worse if anybody made the mistake of calling me Linda in front of my mom - she corrected the error of their ways.  It was not that I was unpopular - I did have a few good close friends.
As a teenager, I was also quite shy...and still had the long name...Had a few really good friends - One of whom is still a very dear friend (Hello Claire) and words will never be able to tell her how amazing she is or how much  treasure her and love her.
When it came to boys (particularly of my own age) - well I was totally out of my depth....BUT someone still fell in love with me and I with him...and I am reminded often just how beautiful our relationship is...
Once we were married - I was always second guessing myself - and if ever Mike and I had an arguement, the first thing I would think is "He does not love me anymore"
Then along came Brad and then Kayla-Fern and that brought a whole lot of other things to second guess myself with....
As time has passed, I have gotten better - I am not as shy, I don't second guess myself as much as I used to, I accept that you can have an arguement and disagree with someone, but still love each other and overall I am much more confident and have accepted myself for who I am - and I even like myself....I think I could even like being called Dainty Legs again...
I know I still have a long way to go, but I am happy where I am right now...And grateful for where I have come from, where I have been and the people I have met along the way...And to all my special people, friends and family and collegues and on-line buddies who add meaning to my life and make me laugh and are there to help me with my journey (and who I help with their journey) - A very big thank you for being you and just being there...
As for my name - my mom did eventually relax about it, and did not give people such a hard time for calling me Linda (although she ALWAYS called me by my full name) - I love and miss you mom...but I know that you are with me all the time and always will be....
And the really funny thing is, from hating it when I was growing up - I now like my full name - I know about five Linda's and no other Linda-Maree's and that makes my name unique - just like me....
Until next week - Lots of love....  


  1. What a nice post. I'm glad you're happy now. And "Linda-Maree" is a distinctive name: I've never met another one.

    As you've probably guessed, I was shy too but, like you, overcame it in adulthood. Then again, I have 10 years on you.

    Numbers are cool. I "waste time" on Soduku every night.

  2. I think that you have a lovely name...we all go through a period in our lives when we hated it...and thought up some exotic names. Now I listen to the weird and wonderful names that children today have and wonder where the parents got that from. Lovely post my friend.
