Here is the long, version of the story..
Background: - My sister-in-law (Pam) in America started a variation of Team Up Thurrsday with her sister (Heidi) in New Zeland called Through the Eyes of Sisters...Both girls are extremely accomplished photographers and I loved reading their blogs each week and seeing the sisterly love across the miles and noticing the similarities and differences between the two of them...
About a month ago - they posted late, then the following week they did not post at all and then Pam posted on her own...Heidi in the business of her life at the moment has not caught up - Last week Pam chose the theme Red, White and Blue (for herself) to celebrate 4th July...And in her blog posting she stated that if Heidi did not respond to her desperate pleas for re-participation in Through the Eyes of Sisters, then Pam who could not see the point of a partnership on her own, would not be continuing with the challenge and the blog...
GASP/GULP/SOB - I was devastated and quickly e-mailed Pam to let her know how I felt...
Solution - Enter Mariette - who read Pam's posting and left a message (on her own blog - what is up with blogger - so many people are complaining that they can not leave messages on other blogs) saying that she would be sad not to read Pam's blog any more - Then she e-mailed me to tell me that although she harldy knows Pam she would be happy if I wanted to invite Pam to join our TUT - How special....I quickly checked the TUT rule book (there is no TUT rule book, but I had to pretend) and discovered that it is not written anywhere that TUT has to be a duo - so I e-mailed Pam and offered her a trio-ship....
In the meantime - Heidi had e-mailed Pam, begging forgiveness and requesting a respite and Pam has forgiven her and granted her the respite and in the interim is going to join Mariette and I ...
Conclusion - So for the next while, Mariette and I will be joined by Pam for TUT - which for this period should possibly be called TUTT (Team Up Thursday Trio), but I will check with my partners and get back to you on that ....
The End
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