As soon as Mike heard the theme - he made a totally whacky, out of the box suggestion, which I absolutely loved, so my chosen picture is this....Very, very obscure but oh so clever - so thank you Mike for the suggestion and thank you Kayla-Fern once again for being my "model"....
If you can not see what it is ...I have told you in the comments section....
Pam chose a picture of .... a fried egg on the sidewalk - which just sums up how HOT she is so beautifully....
Mariette chose a picture of Maxine that encapsulates what July has meant for her .... all about Maxine...Mariette chose this picture over the others because it is a rare moment of Maxine sitting still and she looks so content and peaceful...(You need to go and read Mariette's posting this see how "all about Maxine" Mariette really is - It is a beautiful post Mariette and it highlights how much you love your daughter, how proud you are of how far she has come and how concerned you are for her future and the bearing that the choices you make for her now will have on her in the future....Your final phrase sums it up - "Must be doing something right" - you are...and don't lose sight of that fact for too long...Did you notice that on Mariette and Pam's side of the world it is hot enough to fry eggs on the sidewalk (or at least warm enough to swim)...where I am it is freezing - we have just been hit by another cold spell...

This picture was taken on the way to work yesterday morning - just kidding - it only snows in Jo'burg every twenty or so years...this picture was taken in Queenstown which is in SA (somewhere), but nowhere near where I am...
I was telling Pam on the weekend (on Skype) how sick and tired I am of the cold weather and I could feel her chuckling and saying "Really, Linda, Really..." - I know that we are pretty lucky her..we have about three months of winter (and most of it is pretty mild) and for the most part the rest of the year is glorious - lovely warm, (hot), sunny, outdoor weather...I know that Mariette and Pam suffer with much longer and colder (not to mention darker) winters....but still - I do not like the cold and for this year it has gone on long enough for me...and in my next life I am coming back as a bear, so that I can hibernate all winter....There are other benefits to being a bear - you are allowed to act like a bear with a sore head whenever you want, Lady Bears are expected to have hairy legs (Yeow...), And bears can eat whatever they like and be as fat as they like - in fact the fattest bears are the sexiest and healthiest - yip - a bear certainly has it good all roound.
Because my birthday is in July - I was also interested to find out who else's birthday fell in this month: -
Princess Diana - who can forget the beuatiful fairytale tragic princess - she would have been fifty this year/Kelly McGillis (54) and Tom Cruise (49) - who can remember them in Top Gun (1986)/John D Rockerfeller - I always think of him as the richest man in the world - although by today's standards he probably isn't/Emily Bronte - authoress of Wuthering Heights and last but not least, South Africa's biggest icon Nelson Mandela .... Seems I share the month with some pretty amazing people.
Finally I found this kind of interesting - I hope you do too....
This year July has five Fridays, five Saturdays and five Sundays...2011 is the only time any of us will ever see this, since this only happens every 823 years.
I know that this next information should have been in our "NUMBER's" week, but it is interesting: -
This year we are going to experience four unusual dates:-
1/1/11, 1/11/11,11/1/11, 11/11/11 - and that's not all....
Take the last two digits of the year in which you were born - now add the age you will be this year,
The results will be 111 for everyone in the whole world. Fascinating - I would love to know who has the time and the mental capacity to work these kind of things out...
Well, that's it from me this week - so until next week, when we are looking at how we get from place to place..... If you are in the Southern hemisphere - Keep warm - If you are in the Northern Hemisphere - Lucky you ...Lots of love