"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the
best calorie burner.
I believe in kissing, kissing a lot.
I believe in being strong when everything

seems to be going wrong.
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls.
I believe that tomorrow is another day

and I believe in miracles." — Audrey Hepburn

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Team Up Thursday - Week 33 - Time

It was my choice of theme this week – AND it was not one of my favourite topics…None of the ideas I had even came close to what I wanted…
Mariette on the other hand, absolutely cracked it – Another lovely photo and she thought out the box in her photo of a flowering Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow….I love her posting this week - if you want meaningful this week - you have to read her post  – It bought tears to my eyes…….Absolutely lovely.  Glad that the topic got you thinking….

I settled on a picture of clocks depicting the different times in different areas of the world….

For some reason I was hooked on getting the different time zones...I think maybe it is because I am feeling a little bit blue this week - so much family and so many friends have moved overseas and no longer live down the road...visiting for a quick cup of coffee and a chat is no longer possible and I miss them all...Maybe I needed to remind myself that they are all still around - just have to contact them now via Skype or e-mail or blogs and we have to be conscience of the time differences.

I have collegue who loves watches and has a collection of 17 watches and he wears them all (not at the same time…..of course).
He very kindly brought them to work so that I could photograph them - here is his collection: -

I intended to do a more meaningful posting about TIME, but I just can not pull myself towards myself to try and make any sense in what I want to say, so instead I am going to “cop out” and ask you a trivial question: -

Question:  -  What bird does not make it’s own nest

Correct Answer:  -  A cuckoo doesn't make a nest of it's own. Instead it lays an egg in another birds nest. The cuckoo relies on the other (smaller) birds to raise it's young for it.

Corny Answer:  -  Cuckoo birds lay their eggs in clocks. I thought everyone knew that.

OK sorry, I know that is very weak, but it is all I have this week and that is my indication that it is TIME to call this post DONE and DUSTED…Next week's theme is a bit more cheerful and I have already seen some great ideas Mariette - Watch this space - Next week is going to be GREAT...

Lots of love


  1. I want to thank you for the super-nice comment you just left me. It was so gracious. You're a sweetheart!

  2. Thanks for sharing the cukoo fact- I love learning new things! Also I love your photos- very inspired. (your black kitty is adorable as well!)
